Poetry Anthologies

The Inner Awakening:

This anthology is about a woman’s growing up and into herself by her poetry that pays homage to the most important relationships we have, those of our close family and how they shape us to be the people we become. The Inner Awakening is about her growing up into adulthood and exploring the roots that made her who she is today.




Morning Has Broken:

This anthology talks about the importance of friendship and how these relationships shine brightest in the darkest corners of our lives. Joanne’s poems reflect the gratitude and closeness she feels to the friends she has been blessed to have in her life long term and for brief periods as well. It also explores romantic love and the excitement when all is new.




After the Storm Has Subsided

This anthology handles the negative and/or turbulent emotions of youth and how one can learn and grow from such experiences. Joanne explores how painful experiences have made her stronger, as well as taught her about personal boundaries, self-respect and what she wants out of life. Poetry is her way of handling the storms of life.